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Configure Shortcuts

Available since v0.20

Since v0.35.6 (excluded), you decide which base shortcuts to keep (see ...base, below).

Environment: client
This setup function will only run on client side. Make sure the browser compatibility when importing packages.

Getting started

Create ./setup/shortcuts.ts with the following content:

import type { NavOperations, ShortcutOptions } from '@slidev/types'
import { defineShortcutsSetup } from '@slidev/types'

export default defineShortcutsSetup((nav: NavOperations, base: ShortcutOptions[]) => {
  return [
    ...base, // keep the existing shortcuts
      key: 'enter',
      fn: () =>,
      autoRepeat: true,
      key: 'backspace',
      fn: () => nav.prev(),
      autoRepeat: true,

With the setup, you can provide the custom setting for shortcuts mentioned in Navigation. The above configuration binds the next animation or slide to enter and the previous animation or slide to backspace.

The configuration function receives an object with some navigation methods, and returns an array containing some shortcut configuration. Refer to the type definitions for more details.

Advanced key binding

The key type only allows for strings, but you can still bind multiple keys by using following convention:

import type { NavOperations, ShortcutOptions } from '@slidev/types'
import { defineShortcutsSetup } from '@slidev/types'

export default defineShortcutsSetup((nav: NavOperations, base: ShortcutOptions[]) => {
  return [
      key: 'ShiftLeft+ArrowRight',
      fn: () =>,
      autoRepeat: true,

Advanced navigation features

The nav navigation operations allow you to access some functionalities than the basic next slide or previous slide. See the following for use cases:

import { NavOperations, defineShortcutsSetup } from '@slidev/types'

export default defineShortcutsSetup((nav: NavOperations) => {
  return [
      key: 'e',

      // Set the `e` keyboard shortcut to be used as a bookmark
      // or quick-access of sorts, to navigate specifically to
      // slide number 42
      fn: () => nav.go(42),
      autoRepeat: true,

Refer to useMagicKeys | VueUse for more details about key pressed event.

Released under the MIT License.